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© Dipl.-Geogr. Martin Werner
Peasants' weather maxims and humans the calendar..."
Science and technology, sports and medicine, arts and culture, religion and politics. The main pilars of our
modern society are fast enumerated. Our age became rapid. Modern humans rely only on usable information
from the media. The times, in which farmer pointingnesses and proverbs described the run of nature
and the seasons seems to be gone. The farmer will take off his hat, if end of August is not bad. The weather at St. Felix (30th) will show us how it will be in 40 days. If there is good cabbage, we will have bad hay. In August see the berries ripen, September will come to make them eaten. Around St. Augustin (28th) warm days will leave us. Friendly Barthel and Lawrence will turn the autumn to spring. St. Barholomeus,- who has grain should sow, who has weed should mow, who has oat should rake, who has apples should harvest them. If there is thunder at St. Bartholomeus, soon will come hail or snow. If the storks remain even after St. Bartholomeus, the following winter will be a mild one. If the swallow leaves the place, it flees from approaching coldness. If the cookoo still hoots in August, there will be a strong winter then. A lot of sunshine in August in the Wonnegau will give the vine-dressers full barrels of a delicious vine. Day of after-kermesse also fine, will console the farmer for a moderate harvest. Kermesse Sunday in Gundersheim bright and clear, the farmer autumn has to fear. Or: Is Kermesse Sunday wet with a quick farewell, the farmer will have in autumn full barrels. Hot weather at kermesse in Gundersheim you must drink a Schoppe to cool your mind. If the stars shine bright at Assumption in the Wonnegau, the weather will be fine at our kermesse in Gundersheim. Like the weather at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin it will remain the whole autumn. The weather will last if wind from north is coming, but if the storks leave, winter will come soon. If the weather is fine at St. Lawrence, a wonderful autumn will come. St. Lawrence in the Wonnegau will make the thunderthurms harmless. St. Lawrence bright and clear will promise a good autumn. St. Lawrence hot and dry will fill the wine-dresser the barrel. Rain in August the wine-dresser has to fear. If the wine-dresser has no luck in August, September won't help him anymore. Rain is at the wrong place at St. Afra (7th). If there's less rain in August, a spare horse we will have in front of the crib. Rain at the 5th of St. Mary hurts the wheat. Heat at St. Dominik (4th) will cause a strong winter. The farmer doesn't like to see mildew in August. An August without fire will raise the price of bread. From St. Peter (1th) to St. Laurent fine weather, hot and dry, will mean a strong winter. Only in the heat of July fruit and vine will be fine. A lot of rain from now to the end of August, the grapes have to fear of it. If the days between the 23th of July and 24th of August (Hound-days) are bright and clear a good year it will be, whereas, if it is rainy at this time, not the best times will follow. Look at ants at St. Ann: if they begin to build the nest a strong winter will follow. If there's rain at St. Jacob (25.07.), it will rain women in the kneading trough. St. Ann (26th) warm and dry, makes the farmer lucky. Around St. Anne, cooler mornings we will have. If Jacob is present, the stork's will soon leave. Long drought and heat will make us sweat in the office. Rain after long drought will shorten the farmer's day. Around Margaret and Jacob the strongest thunderstorms are present. If there is rain at Margaret, it will follow still more rain. Rain at St. Margaret (20th) will sign you a period of hunger. A strong thunderstorm after long hot weather will let the farmer joke again. If there is from time to time a thundersturm, the farmer will laugh and even the gardener. If there is rain enough after dusty days, the nature thanks with a rich harvest. Days in July without hail are rare. The first pear you get on Margaret, afterwards everywhere harvest will begin. St. Margaret (13th) rainy will rot the must everywhere. Like it is on "seven brothers" (10th), it will stay seven weeks. If it doesn't rain at "seven brothers" (10th), there will be a good harvest. In July intensive sunshine will be welcome to every farmer. St. Kilian (8th) moist in the Wonnegau, will make the turnips rough. In July, the farmer more love to sweat than to have cold. Thunderstorms in the Wonnegau in the morning, let the farmer sweat with sorrows. July angry with thunderstorms, will bring enough wheat that year. Rain at St. Ulrich (4th) will make the pears wormy. If it rains at the day of the holy virgins, meanwhile they gaze into the West of the Wonnegau, the rain weather will gain and rest 40 days. Like the weather at Mary (2th), it will be 40 days then. Month of July fair and bright, will give you a good year. If there is rain at St. Peter and Paul, the harvest of the vine-grower won't be of a good quality. St. Peter and Paul will rotten the roots of the grains. Clear weather at St. Peter and Paul, hope of a good year and haul. A wet day at the 27th. will cause rain without rest. Like the weather at the day of the dormouse (27.06.) it will remain seven weeks. Mans thinking as the wind in June will alter very often and soon. From the date of St. Jonathan the sun will be going down winterwards. If St. Jonathan (24.06.) has come, the longest days are gone. If June is mild, December will be a mild month too. If in June the mosquitos pierce, then run away with the rake. If you hear the cuckoo cry, fear the drought. June more dry than wet will fill the barrel with good vine. If there is rain at St. Gervas (19.06.) there will be rain enough until the end of July. The one who pray to St. Benno (16.06.), will have a lot of fax and herbs. The longest day will be at St. Veit, but Santa Lucia will have the shortest night. The nightinggale will sing only until St. Veit (15.06.). If there is wind at St. Veit (15.06.), the leaves will turn their side. St. Anton with fair weather will cause St. Peter with a lot of rain. If there is a lot of rain at Barnabas (11.06.) there will be a lot of vine this year. St. Barnabas (11.06.) will make good what ever has happened before. If Margaret (10.06.) brings no sunshine, then the hay won't be dry. If Medard is wet and cold, there will be rain without rest, and the same will be at the day of Margaret. St. Medard (08.06.) decides whether the sun is shining for 40 days. A rain that falls into the rye will also make wet the wheat. A little shower with thunder in June enjoys the heart of every farmer. If June is wet and warm, there will be a lot of grain and even more hay. Even a nightfrost in June will make you trouble soon. Field and garden will grow if there is enough sunshine in June. June, damp and warm, a good year for the farmer, and harm. Fair weather at Fortunat (01.06.), means a good year. Rain in Walpurgisnacht (30.04) always brought a good year. If there is frost at St. Viatl (28.04.), then it will be frosty still 15 days. As long as it is warm before Markus, so long it is cold afterwards. Put only after Markus (25.04.) beans, it will be your advantage. If it freezes at St. Fidel (24.04.), then it remains still 15 days cold and bright. At George (23.04.) a raven should hide himself in a field of rye. Often moonlight in Aril will harm the blooms of the trees a lot. If there is in April more rain than sunshine then it will be in June dry. After a dry April a wet summer follows. The more it rains in April, the more you get from the field. Each April day makes nine times its play. A wet April promises many fruits. Tiburtius is a friend of the farmer, but only, even if the cuckoo calls. Tiburtius (14.04.) comes with sang and sound, he brings us the cuckoo and the nightingale. Flax seeds sow at Ezechiel (10.04.), the 100. day after New year, then he prospers the seeds marvelously. Peas are to be sown at Ambrosius, because then they carry well and give much mash. If it is beautiful at Ambrosius, then it will be mild also at Florian. At Ambrosius (04.04.) sow onions. Storm and strong wind on the day of Rosamunde (02.04.) will bring good news. You must survive April the 1st, then something good to you can happen. Don't fear snow in March, he already has a warm heart. March should come like a wolf and go like a lamb. Like the 29th of March the whole spring will be. Like the 30th. the summer will be. Like the 31st. the autumn will be. The spring eats the winter up. Is Mary clear and bright, then there is much fruit. If the covered vines are drawn up at Mary, then no more frost will harm them. Announcement of Mary (25.03.) announce the spring. Saint Benediktus (21.03.) lets grow the carrots. Is the day of Saint Joseph clear, then a good year will come. Is Joseph clear, then a good honey year will come. If there comes the day of Saint Joseph (19.03.), then the winter certainly will end. Gertrud leads the cows to the herbs, the bees to the flight, and the horses into the fields. Is it clear at the day of Saint Gertrud (17.03.), the gardner feel well in his garden the following days. At Gregory the farmer must go in the field outside. Are there strong winds at Gregory, then the wind will blow until Jacob. At Gregory you see the first swallow in the air. At Gregory (12.03.) you can see the ice melting in the sea. Often fog in spring - a lot of rain in summer. Local rule: Strong dew in the Wonnegau, will make our sky blue. Is there frost at Virgil (5.03.), in March it will be cold once more. Pretty Kunigund oh oh, warm you up from below. If Kunigunda (3.03.) is sad with many tears, then the barn remains empty this year. If the clouds move against the wind then there will be rain the next day. If it rains at St. Albin (1.03.), then there is neither hay nor straw. The celebration of Peter make equal day and night. If the stork at Peter finds the brook completely open, then there is no chance anymore of an ice cover. Is it at Saint Peter (22.2.) cold, then the cold weather will still persist for a longer time. If it freezes at Simeon (16.2.) suddenly, the frost won't remain a long time. At Valentine's day no ice and snow will remain. Is Apollonia (9.2.) damp winter will get off. Is it sunny at Agatha (5.2.) then there will be a lot of grain and wine in this year. When it storms and snows on Candlemas Day, spring is not far away. If it's bright and clear, spring is not yet near. Was January wet, then the barrel remains empty. Rain in January means double germs will sprout, but only half of the fruit will be in the barn. Local rule: If our highway A61 is noisy in Gundersheim then the cold will come in soon. But if we hardly hear the traffic then mild air comes into our area. If the farmer is in January with his carriage on the way, then he must beg in the autumn for the seeds to sow. Is January clear and white, spring will come without ice, and summer will be hot twice. Julian (09.01.) breaks the ice, if he doesn't break it, then he'll embrace the ice. Is it clear and bright at Epiphany, then there will be a lot of wine this year. How the weather was at Marius (04.01.), it will be in September, gloomy or clear. If it's clear in the night of Sylvester, this will sign for a good-coming year. Cold night with snow at Christmas Eve causes large field of grain. If there is snow fall at Christmas and stormy weather, all fields are blessed then. Is it very cold in the advent's season, then the cold will remain 18 weeks. If December brings coldness and snowy weather, then the grains will even grow on sand. Santa Lucia will shorten the day so far she is able and has authority. If Santa Lucia is coming (13.12.), then the cold is coming too. If it rains at Saint Niclas, a strong winter is awaiting us. Santa Barbara in her pretty white dress announces a good summer time. Holy Andrew with snow, will keep the snow for another 100 days. Like the weather at Saint Cathreen (25.11.) the weather will be at New Year's Day. If you are able to observe a lot of stars in November, you don't have to wonder about the cold weather soon coming. Holy Elisabeth (19.11.) will show you, if the winter will be strong or mild. A gloomy day at Holy Martin will make winter mild; but if it is clear, it will be cold very fast. If there is stormy snowy weather at Karolus (4.11.), then place your fur not far away and heat the furnace strongly: soon the cold will come without pity. At All Saints the winter is not far away. If it snows at All Saints, then place your fur not far away. But if it rains on that day, then a lot of snow will come this winter. At Saint Krispin (26.10.) all the flies are gone. Is October very friendly, a strong winter will come; but if October is wet and cold, a mild winter will follow.