© Dipl.-Geogr. Martin Werner
Stationary and mobile
measurements for the registration of the topo-climate in the region of
Gundersheim/ Rheinhessen
-- Abstract --- FUCHS, H.-J. & WERNER, M. (1996): Stationary and mobile measurements for the registration of the topo-climate in the region of Gundersheim/ Rheinhessen. [Stationäre und mobile Messungen zur Erfassung des Topoklimas im Gemarkungsgebiet von Gundersheim/ Rheinhessen] - Mitt. POLLICHIA, 83: 37 - 65, Bad Dürkheim. The basis for this analysis is a series of hourly measurements of both temperature and humidity over an 18-month period of time as well as the measurements of the daily amounts of precipitation at three stations in the Gundersheim area. In addition of the above, 31 mobile climatic field measurements werde taken. This study is an attempt to depict the topoclimatic conditions of the Gundersheim area. Daily wind measurements and especially the thereby obtained wind roses provide a solid foundation for the interpretation of the relation between air currents. The latter, in turn, play a key role in the presentation of the topoclimatic variations of the examined area. Measuring the amounts precipitation is especially interesting insofar, as the multiple lee position of the location with respect to the dominant westwinds leads to a considerable decrease in rainfall. This makes the Gundersheim
area important on a supraregional scale.