© Dipl.-Geogr. Martin Werner
Temporal precipitation
variations in stetten/ Palatinate and their effects on the natural budget.
-- Abstract --- FUCHS, H.-J. & WERNER,
M. (1995): Temporal precipitation
variations in stetten/ Palatinate and their effects on the natural budget..
A 28-year uninterrupted series of daily precipitation data from Stetten, a village in the northern part of the Palatinate, has been analyzed. The aim of this study is the presentation of the precipitation pattern and the occurred variations over time and their possible impacts on the environment. The annual distribution of precipitation in Stetten shows a marked summer maximum, which thundershowers have caused. However, the longest dry spells mainly occur also during late summer and autumn. Large inter-annual variations characterize the observation period from 1957 - 1994. Marked seasonal changes regarding the precipitation quantity and intensity were discovered. Precipitation advantageous impact on the ground water situation. The springs are characterized by an increasing number of rainy days. Monthly precipitation in May, June and August sharply decreases, creating a moisture deficit for the cultivated crops. In September and October precipitation increases and causes disadvantageous conditions for the wine-growing. The investigation clearly
shows that the climate of a location is not stable, but rather subjected
to permanent and complex changes.